GRIT Application FAQs - English

Q: I didn’t get a confirmation e-mail or text, was my application received?

A: Successfully completing the application should get you to a final screen that reads: “We thank you for your time spent taking this survey. Your response has been recorded.” As long as you saw that screen, you’ve been entered into the lottery. Since the information you shared in the application is protected and confidential, the United Way and the City of Tacoma are not allowed to know who has applied for the pilot, only the independent research team at the Center for Guaranteed Income Research has access to that information right now.

Q: I finished my application and it was recorded, what happens now?

A: There is a two step process review and select applications

  1. The applications are processed by independent researchers at the Center for Guaranteed Income Research at the University of Pennsylvania to make sure there are no duplications and that all entries meet the GRIT eligibility criteria.
  2. Then the applications are randomly sorted into three different groups to ensure no bias:

a. Recipient participants: people who will receive the monthly cash and will be eligible to participate in compensated surveys so we can learn more about guaranteed income;

b. Control participants: people who will not receive the monthly cash, but who will be eligible to earn gift cards by taking research surveys during the pilot so we can learn more about Tacoma and our residents’ needs.

c. Non-participants. 

Q: How will I know if I’ve been chosen to participate?

A: Staff from GRIT will start contacting recipient participants to notify them as soon as the random selection process has been completed.
If you have been selected to participate in the control participant group, or “survey” group, you will receive notification from staff who are helping with the research who will have more information for you. We expect notifications to be made in early September.

Q: I haven’t heard from anyone, does this mean I haven’t been chosen?

A: We will be updating this website once all notifications are complete. If you check the website and it says we have finished notifications to participants, but you have not been contacted, then you have not been selected to participate. 

Q: Why won’t I get notification if I am NOT selected?

A: The information you shared through the application can only be used for research purposes, so United Way and the City of Tacoma are not allowed to have access to the data for non-selected individuals. This means we can’t contact you to tell you if you haven’t been chosen to participate. Check this website to stay up to date on the notification process.

Q: I was not selected to participate but I still need help, are there any resources available 
to me?

A: Yes! There are many programs available throughout the city that we want to make sure you can access.

Visit or call 211 for more resources.

Public Safety

*** In the case of an emergency, please call 911. ***

City of Tacoma Fire Department: general information line: (253) 591-5740

City of Tacoma Police Department: telephone reporting: (253) 798-4721

COVID 19 Resources


Washington State's Department of Social and Health Services: Customer Service 877-501-2233 

Child Care

Help Me Grow Pierce County

New Diaper Resources

Comprehensive guide to affordable childcare through 

Employment / Training

Employment Security Division Information

Tacoma Community House

Goodwill Olympics & Rainier Region

Financial Planning

Sound Outreach
Free Tax Filing Tool


H.R 6314 Emergency rental assistance

Tacoma Housing Authority

Pierce County Housing Authority

Expenses Support

Assistance With Energy Bill - Pierce County

Tacoma Public Utility Payment Assistance

Puget Sound Energy Assistance

LIHEP Program guidance

Rapid Response Funding

Veterans Assistance

Financial resources from the State of WA

Goodwill Olympics & Rainier Region compiled this list of resources for grants and funding opportunities around Western Washington Region

Tacoma Mutual Aid Collective

 Washington Department of Financial Institutions: Homeownership/Mortgage support

 Comcast for low income

Food Distribution

Emergency Food Network: Interactive Maps

Tacoma Public Schools bus meal delivery map/schedule

Operating food banks in Pierce County

Food Bank Finder

Pierce County Food Delivery Program

Most current info from the USDA

Learn more about SNAP

Food Backpacks for Kids and on Facebook